R2P, HR & legal diplomacy will help OIC learn regional integration from EU.
OIC has the best possible opportunity at hand to change the fate and destiny of Islamic countries and Muslim population.
It is a time when Islamic countries are interested in cooperation, coordination and collaboration across the board to eradicate dilemmas by eliminating conflicts, confrontation and cut-throat competition.
OIC must be further evolved and gradually developed at a time when strategic realism of eretz Israel remains most potent threat to Islamic countries and Muslim population which share contiguous borders.
Accordingly, solution framework can be matched with EU regional integration leading to OIC’s own external action service and external relations law. Human Rights & Responsibility2Protect are linked.
The Israeli-Palestine conflict has led to increased need for response through R2P on OIC platform. Otherwise, it threatens the shared destiny and fate across the contiguous borders of Islamic countries that are to face ERETZ Israel. EU, itself, has released statements that Favours Palestine and, criticizes Israel’s actions.
OIC can learn from EU regarding not just External Action Service (Common Security & Defense Policy, Common Foreign & Defense Policy, Foreign Policy Instruments) but also External Relations Law. It brings us to platform and framework of legal diplomacy.
OIC needs legal diplomacy which can be developed by External Action Service and External Relations Law. In this case, OIC has to work its own way without relying on outside assistance.
OIC’s initiatives and work regarding HR can be further evolved to also widen range and broaden scope of R2P in response to strategic realism of Eretz Israel.
A combined and calculated response through OIC would place Islamic countries at favourable position to consistently increase capabilities and enhance capacities to contribute to shared interests, aims, goals, objectives and targets.
European Law on HR, for example, is an extension of European legal diplomacy. Comparatively, OIC can establish its R2P and legal diplomacy mechanism that corresponds to functions of CSDP, CFSP, FPI which would strengthen its legitimacy, reliability, credibility and validity as international actor for intervention as well as dealing with EU — even to the extent, allying with EU to oppose illegal Israeli actions.
Ultimately, R2P will contribute to HR in a manner that resulting legal diplomacy will lead to Peace, Security, Stability, Progress and Prosperity.
OIC’s R2P-HR-legal diplomacy leading to OIC’s own EAS and ERL will lead to success of Islamic countries in long-run, too. Legal diplomacy followed by other initiatives such as Knowledge diplomacy and economic diplomacy will strengthen the State, Government, Society and Public within Islamic countries.
It will not only boost and enhance but also consolidate favorable trends, patterns and trajectories in practices that will lead to betterment of people and facilities within Islamic countries.
The major element is blockading such eretz Israel’s expansionist designs that’ll undermine the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Islamic countries and subsequently and simultaneously threaten the lives, honor and property of the Muslim population, too.
It brings Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and Geostrategy into the gameplan which then requires Political Science, International Relations, Peace & Conflict Studies, and Security & Strategic & Nuclear Studies to be included along with other humanities such as Sociology, Criminology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Education and Psychology.
It is duty of OIC to then not only build HR-R2P-legal diplomacy mechanism but also revamp and improve its stature to represent the totality and united leadership of Islamic countries and Muslim population either sharing or along contiguous borders and elsewhere.
The International Human Rights Instruments and International Permanent Human Rights Commission and OIC charter is a major steppingstone to the legal diplomacy of OIC pursued through its proposed Common Security & Defense Policy (CSDP), Common Foreign & Defense Policy (CFDP) and Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) for Islamic countries. As an international actor, it must make its presence felt on international scene in various ways.
Islamic countries & Muslim population will potentially face severe crisis in terms of devastation, destruction, turmoil, disturbance, instability, insecurity if OIC does not immediately (urgently and emergency basis) take up the role needed to counter threats and risks emerging from strategic realism of eretz Israel.
As the title of this article indicates, the regional integration of Islamic countries sharing contiguous borders requires external relations law for external action services to function.
Legal diplomacy is the way forward as it revolves around strategies for peace, security, stability, prosperity and progress of entire Ummah.
From Africa to Asia to Europe, the regional integration of Islamic countries is inevitable as CSDP and CFDP is needed to survive and thrive in a highly volatile and fragile environment.
The entire MENA countries (exclude Israel) resolving differences is a good sign to initiate OIC EAS and OIC ERL to put forth a united front. The OIC choice is to either to progress or regress.